9 DPO today and this is what's going on? - high soft cervix 6 dpo
O 1dpo col-clear, soft and supple. Collar. inaccessible.
DPD-2 EWCM a couple of the neck is back.
DPD-3 vaginal watery back, looks in white. the cervix remains low and hard.
4 OPD mucous is white and creamy.
DPD-5, I have cramps, nothing bad. White, cream, lotiony mucosa, but thicker at the moment. Col. low and hard again.
6 "DSB, you have cramps, but not very strong. It was the middle of the neck and did a little sweeter. White, thick, creamy cervical mucus.
7 DSB sharp stab in my left lower abdomen. Af like cramps a not little for long. I felt strange. White cervical mucus is thick and creamy. Col. low and hard again.
8 DPO-AF like cramps once or twice, then small spots here and there. Headache begins. Moody. Faint, purple ring around the outside of my areola. Themsleves the areola are a little further. I feel a little warmer than usual. Same as 7 cm DPD. Cervix feels a little softer.
9 DPO-nipples began to fail, it is as if someone drugs through the floor. This shirt kills me. Around the areola itself is really hurt. Breasts still a little pain. I have now put too much pressure on them. You feel full when eating a big meal are inhabited. Heh. A little light headed today. Cervical mucosa is low, hard and closed, thick, creamy white.
It is very difficult not to expect the attention to every little thing you during these two weeks to pay. The nipples are something new for me. I do not remember that this is a sensitive issue, nor pain, and I do not remember this black ring around the outside of my areola. From what I can tell, it looks like the tip of the nipples are a bit purple-ish.
I hope I will continue my BFP instead of the FA.
Good luck to all.
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