What are tumour markers for mesothelioma? - mesothelioma more condition_symptoms
Can someone tell me the name of tumor markers that appear in the blood in cases of mesothelioma? And it is in other types of cancer?
What are tumour markers for mesothelioma? - mesothelioma more condition_symptoms
Can someone tell me the name of tumor markers that appear in the blood in cases of mesothelioma? And it is in other types of cancer?
D2-40 and PDPN are two markers of tumor cells in the blood for mesothelioma. D2-40 may also appear as a marker for cancer of the retina. There are other tests.
Web sites give much information.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18394 ...
http://www.mesothelioma-line.com/article ...
There are several types of cancer markers.
The IAT Cancer Clinic in Freeport, Grand Bahamas is one of the few clinics, alternative or otherwise, has the good results in patients with mesothelioma.
could visit, Google, Yahoo, and WebMD
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